N. Raghu Kishore
Associate Professor
Dr. N. Raghu Kisore completed his Ph.D. in Computer science from Auburn University, USA in 2009 and M.Tech. in Computer Science from IIT Madras in 2001. He has 13 years of Industrial and academic research experience. In the past he has worked various roles in organizations such as General Motors, Samsung, and LG. During his time in Industry, he worked in areas such as Information and System Security, health care, home automation and mobile OS platforms. In addition to his industry experience he also has 8 years of academic research experience having worked as an Assistant Professor at Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology (a research institute established by the Reserve Bank of India). He has over 30 peer reviewed research publications in various international conferences and journals. So far, he has guided over 10 Masters Students in their researches.
- 2010 December
Auburn University, Auburn, U.S.A.
Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering.
- 2001 December
Indian Institute of Technology-Madras, Chennai, India.
M.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering.
- 2000 June
Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, India.
B.Tech. in Electronics and Communication Engineering.
Teaching and Research Experience
2019 - Present
- Associate Professor 2019 Oct – Present
Mahindra University, Ecole Centrale College of Engineering, Hyderabad
Courses: Cloud Computing, Enterprise Software Architecture, Cryptography and Network Security, Software Engineering
2017 - 2019
- Assistant Professor 2017 Jul – 2019 Sep
Mahindra University, Ecole Centrale College of Engineering, Hyderabad
Courses: Cryptography and Information Security, Software Engineering, Mobile Communications and Mobile Computing,
2012 - 2016
- Assistant Professor 2012 Nov – 2016 Apr
Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology, Hyderabad
Courses: Advanced Computer Networks, Mobile Communications and Mobile Computing.
Industrial Work Experience
2010 - 2012
- Organization: General Motors, Nov 2010 – June 2012
Role: Researcher
- Organization: LG Soft India (R and D), Mar 2010 – Oct 2010
2002 - 2004
- Organization: Central Research Laboratory (BEL), Mar 2002 – June 2004
Role: Member Research Staff
International Journals
N. Raghu Kisore
Vol 376
- Qing Yang, Raghu Neelisetti, Kenan Casey, and Alvin Lim. An Empirical Study of Real-Time Target Tracking with CPA Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks. In Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks (SECON), 2008.
- Raghu Neelisetti, Kenan Casey and Alvin Lim. RTDD: A Real-Time Communication Protocol for Directed Diffusion. In IEEE Wireless Communications & Networking Conference (WCNC), 2008.
- Raghu Kisore Neelisetti, Shuang Li, Alvin Lim. Delay-Constrained High Throughput Protocol for Multi-Path Transmission over Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks, 9th IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks, 2008.
- Qing Yang, Raghu Kisore Neelisetti, Alvin Lim, Pratima Agrawal. Efficient Routing for Vehicular Networks based on Relative Position and Velocity. IEEE The 3rd International Symposium on Innovations and Real-Time Applications for Distributed Sensor Networks Shreveport, Louisiana, Nov. 26-27, 2007
- Raghu Kisore Neelisetti, Alvin Lim, Pratima Agrawal and Qing Yang. A Robust Clustering Algorithm for Target Tracking in Wireless Acoustic Sensor Networks. In 3rd IEEE International Symposium on Innovations and Real-Time Applications for Distributed Sensor Networks Shreveport, Louisiana, Nov. 26-27, 2007.
International Conference
- K. Raja Rathnam Naidu and N. Raghu Kisore, “A stochastic game theoretic model for expanding ATM services”, 6th IEEE International Workshop on Data Mining for Service in association with 15th IEEE International conference on Data Mining, (ICDM), Atlantic City, NJ USA, Nov. 15-17, 2015.
- N. Raghu Kisore, and Ch.Bala Koteshwariah, “A fuzzy version of generalized DBSCAN clustering algorithm” In 2nd ACM IKDD Conference on Data Sciences, Bangalore, India, Mar. 18-21, 2015
- K. Raja Rathnam Naidu and N. Raghu Kisore, “Strategizing ATM Operations using Mixed Game Theory”, 12th IEEE India International Conference (INDICON), New Delhi, India, Dec 17-20, 2015.
- N. Raghu Kisore and Supriya Sagi, “A Secure SMS Protocol for Implementing Digital Cash System” In 4th IEEE International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications & Informatics (ICACCI), Kochi, India, Aug. 10-13, 2015
- K. Raja Rathnam Naidu and N. Raghu Kisore, “Optimizing ATM Placement Using Game Theory” In 4th IEEE International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications & Informatics (ICACCI), Kochi, India, Aug. 10-13, 2015
- V.Srikanth and N. Raghu Kisore, “Design of experimental test bed to evaluate effectiveness of software protection mechanisms against buffer overflow attacks through emulation”, 5th IEEE International Conference on computational Intelligence and Computing (ICCIC), Madurai, TN, India Dec 10-12, 2015.
- T. Shiva Prasad and N. Raghu Kisore, “Identifying Metamorphic Virus Using n-grams And Hidden Markov Model” In 4th IEEE International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications & Informatics (ICACCI), Kochi, India, Aug. 10-13, 2015
- Sankalp Maurya and N. Raghu Kisore, “Benchmarking of Open Source Big Number Arithmetic Libraries”, 5th IEEE International Conference Control, Instrumentation, Communication & Computational Technologies (ICCICCT), Kumaracoil, TN, India, Dec 18-19, 2015.
- K. Raja Rathnam Naidu and N. Raghu Kisore, “A Survey of Tools for Visualizing Geo Spatial Data”, 5th IEEE International Conference Control, Instrumentation, Communication & Computational Technologies (ICCICCT), Kumaracoil, TN, India, Dec 18-19, 2015.
- T. Shiva Prasad and N. Raghu Kisore, “Application of Hidden Markov Model for Classifying Metamorphic Virus” In 5th IEEE International Advance Computing Conference, Bangalore, India, Jun. 12-13, 2015
- Nasibeh Mohammed and N. Raghu Kisore, “Experimental Evaluation of Security in 2G Cellular Networks in India” In 5th IEEE International Advance Computing Conference, Bangalore, India, Jun. 12-13, 2015
- K. Gowtham Sricharan and N. Raghu Kisore, “Mathematical Model to Study Propagation of Computer Worm in a Network” In 5th IEEE International Advance Computing Conference, Bangalore, India, Jun. 12-13, 2015
- N. Raghu Kisore and P.Ganga Reddy, “Empirical determination and evaluation of factors that impact ATM placement”, In 48 th IEEE Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Kauai, USA, Jan. 5-8, 2015
Current Research Interests are security analytics, precision agriculture and abstractive text summarization.