Live Online

Core Programs Overview

The Centre for
Executive Education

Live online executive education programs allow the participating executives, located in different geographical parts of the country, to attend the programs from their place of residence, without having to travel to the campus. These programs are delivered by our Pan-India/Global faculty, in the form of real-time interactive webinars, so that participants can engage in real-time interaction with our faculty and synchronous peer learning groups. This allows for high-impact virtual programs, and a learning experience similar to an in-person programs in the campus.

The phased out, shorter and structured synchronous virtual engagements, ensure a fully immersive and manageable learning experience. The teaching, discussion, and group work are scheduled to run usually 2-3 hours each day; in addition to the synchronous online sessions, participants would have off-line reading/preparatory activities, and application projects, to get the maximum benefit out of the programs.


Why Choose Us ?

Our Value

  • Large Pool of world-class executive education faculty, across multiple disciplines, within the University, and from various parts of the globe.

  • Team with extensive experience in designing Executive Education Programs for Senior Executives.

  • Creation and Delivery of Programs, with best-in-class teaching methodologies, including Simulations & Experiential Learning.

  • Action Learning for Impact – Our methodologies enable participants to apply the learnings to workplace issues, to derive maximum impact for the sponsoring organization.


Currently, the following certificate Programs are being offered, with more to be launched in the coming months. Our Programs span across multiple disciplines of management, engineering and law.

  • Certificate
  • Strategy
  • Leadership
  • Finance & Operations
  • Sales and Marketing
  • Engineering
  • Legal
  • Design
  • General Management
  • Entrepreneurship