B.Tech in Computer
Science Engineering

WHY Computer Science Engineering?

Software engineers are the architects of tomorrow. They have been leading the world through multiple thresholds of technological revolutions simultaneously.

The essential attribute of a software engineer is the ability to comprehend and compute fast, which is why MU ensures that along with the latest developments in the industry, students are also taught how to learn new skills fast. The core courses prepare students for an agile industry and include 11 departmental courses, which contribute to 40 credits. They cover basic and advanced levels of Algorithm, Data Structures, Database Management systems, Machine Learning, Cryptography, etc.

Academic exploration is also encouraged through our five elective courses (15 credits), either professional or open ones, which prepare for specialization in Network or Embedded System computing, HPC, Graphics and Computer Interfaces, Information Security or Data Mining and Image Processing.



  • Graduates will identify and solve the problems of tomorrow’s world and will push forward the frontiers of computer science.
  • Graduates will come up with indigenous and original ideas and be capable of building technology products for simplifying and improving the quality of life.
  • Graduates will exhibit entrepreneurial traits and are capable of advancing their careers by upgrading their professional, communication, and analytic skills continuously.
Core Courses

Semester 1

Code Course L T P Credits
1 MA 1101 Calculus &ODE 4 1 0 5
2 CH1101 Chemistry – I + lab 2 1 2 4
3 EE1101 Introduction to Electrical Engineering 2 1 2 2
4 EE1105 Electronics 2 1 2 4
5 CS 1101 Introduction to Computing 2 1 1 3
6 HS1104 Introduction to Entrepreneurship 1 0 0 1
7 HS1102 Media Project 1 0 2 1.5
8 HS1101 English 0 3 0 3
9 HS1103 French – I 0 2 0 0.5
10 CE1101 Earth and Environmental Sciences 2 0 0 2
Total Credits 26

Semester 2

Code Course L T P Credits
1 MA 1202 Linear Algebra & complex analyses 3 1 0 4
2 PH 1202 Physics – I 2 1 2 4
3 BI 1201 Biology 3 0 0 3
4 CS 1201 Data Structures 2 2 2 5
5 CS 1202 Discrete Mathematics 2 0 0 2
6 ME1202 Workshop Practice 0 0 2 1
7 HS1201 Entreprenurship practise 0 0 2 1
8 HS 1202 Professional Ethics 0 1 0 1
9 HS1203 French – II 0 2 0 0.5
Total Credits 21.5

Semester 3

Code Course L T P Credits
1 MA 2103 Probability and Statistics 3 1 0 4
2 PH 2102 Physics – II 3 1 2 5
3 AI 2101 Optimization Techniques for AI 3 0 0 3
4 EE2101 Signals & Systems 3 1 0 4
5 HS 2101 Lean Start-up 0 0 3 1
6 HS2102 Principles of Economics (7 Weeks) 3 0 0 1.5
7 HS2103 French  – III 0 2 0 0.5
8 CS 2106 Programming Workshop 0 0 2 0.5
Total Credits 19.5

Semester 4

Code Course L T P Credits
1 MA2208 Numerical Methods 3 0 2 4
2 CS 2201 Digital Logic Design and Computer Architecture 3 1 0 4
3 CS 2202 Machine Learning with Python** 3 0 2 4
4 CS 2203 Artificial and Computational Intelligence 2 1 2 4
5 CS 2204 Theory of Computation 3 0 0 3
6 HS2201 Design Thinking 1 0 2 2
7 HS2202 Financial Accounting 3 0 0 1.5
8 HS2203 French – IV 0 2 0 0.5
9 CS 2205 Programming Workshop 0 0 2 0.5
Total Credits 23.5

Semester 5

Code Course L T P Credits
1 CS 3101 Design and Analysis of Algorithms 3 1 0 4
2 CS 3102 Operating Systems 3 0 2 4
3 CS 3103 Database Management Systems 3 0 2 4
4 CS 3105 Object Oriented Programming 2 0 2 3
5 CS 3106 Microprocessors and Interfacing 2 0 0 3
6 HS-E1 HSS + Mgmt. – Elective – I 2 0 0 2
7 HS 3101 French – V(Optional) 0 2 0 0
8 CS 3104 Programming Workshop 0 0 2 1
Total Credits 21

Semester 6

Code Course L T P Credits
1 CS 3201 Big Data Analytics 2 0 2 3
2 CS 3202 High Performance Computing 2 0 2 3
3 AI  3105 Computer Networks 3 0 2 4
4 CS 3204 Software Engineering 2 0 2 3
5 Third year team project 2
6 AI Elective – I 3 0 0 3
7 Elective – I 3 0 0 3
8 HSS + Mgmt. – Elective – II 2 0 0 2
9 HS3201 Intro to Prof Development & Employibility Skills 2 0 0 2
10 HS 3202  French – VI(Optional) 0 2 0 0/0.5
Total Credits 25

Semester 7

Code Course L T P Credits
1 CS 4101 Distributed Systems 3 0 2 4
2 CS 4102 Compiler Design 3 0 0 3
3 CS 4103 Cryptography and Network Security 3 0 2 4
4 HSS + Mgmt. – Elective – III 2 0 0 2
5 Elective – II 3 0 0 3
6 Elective – III 3 0 0 3
7 Year-4 Project 3
8 HS 4101 French -VII(Optional) 0 2 0 0/0.5
Total Credits 22

Semester 8

Code Course L T P Credits
1 Elective – IV 3 0 0 3
2 Elective – V 3 0 0 3
3 Year-4 Project 0 5 8 10
4 HS 4201  French Language & Culture – VIII(Optional) 0 2 0 0/0.5
Total Credits 16

Total No of Credits   :   178

Semester 1
Calculus & ODE
Chemistry – I + lab
Introduction to Electrical Engineering
Introduction to Computing
Introduction to Entrepreneurship
Media Project
English and Humanities – I
 French – I
Earth and Environmental Sciences
Semester 2
Linear Algebra Complex Analysis
Physics – I
Data Structures
Discrete Mathematics
Workshop Practice
Entreprenurship practise
Professional Ethics
French – II
Semester 3
Probability and Statistics
Physics – II
Optimization Techniques for AI
Signals & Systems
 Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Lean Start-up
Economics (7 Weeks)
French  – III
Programming Workshop
Semester 4
Numerical Methods
Digital Logic Design and Computer Architecture
Machine Learning with Python**
Artificial and Computational Intelligence
Theory of Computation
Design Thinking
Financial Accounting
French – IV
Programming Workshop
Semester 5
Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Operating Systems
Database Management Systems
Object Oriented Programming
Microprocessors and Interfacing
HSS + Mgmt. – Elective – I
French – V(Optional)
Programming Workshop
Semester 6
Big Data Analytics
High Performance Computing
Computer Networks
Software Engineering
Third year team project
AI Elective – I
Elective – I
HSS + Mgmt. – Elective – II
Intro to Prof Development & Employibility Skills
 French – VI(Optional)
Semester 7
Distributed Systems
Compiler Design
Cryptography and Network Security
HSS + Mgmt. – Elective – III
Elective – II
Elective – III
Year-4 Project
French -VII(Optional)
Semester 8
Elective – IV
Elective – V
Year-4 Project
 French  – VIII(Optional)
Semester 8
Elective – IV
Elective – V
Year-4 Project
 French  – VIII(Optional)

Professor & Dean

  • B. K. Chakravarthy
    Dean School of Design Innovation

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  • Dr. Arya Kumar Bhattacharya
    Professor & Dean Research & Development

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  • Arun Kumar Pujari
    HOD of  AI & CSE, Adviser & Professor Emeritus

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  • Raja Rao Tripuraneni

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  • Rama Murthy Garimella
    Professor, Computer Science and Engineering

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  • Satish Chandra
    Associate Professor

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  • Om Prakash Patel
    Associate Professor

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  • N. Raghu Kishore
    Associate Professor

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  • Neha Bharill
    Associate Professor

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  • Ravi Kishore
    Associate Professor

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