Bachelor of Journalism and Mass Communication

Bachelor of Journalism and Mass Communication

An Overview

Mahindra University’s Bachelor of Journalism and Mass Communication degree is offered by the School
of Media to prepare our graduates to be righteous, responsible, competent and globally
acceptable. We will employ the highest standards to develop and nurture these qualities. The
input is carefully constructed keeping in mind the demands of industries and businesses, as well
as the needs of our societies, to generate a conceptually, ethically, practically and behaviourally
consummate graduate who is aware of the rights, responsibilities and privileges of an educated
and communicative citizen. Special emphasis will be laid on digital media as we further update
the institution on the basis of technological and sociological developments. In that sense, a
graduating student enters the industry digital-first.

We keep our objectives student-centric. Each course becomes a marker, a demonstration of the
following three testable competencies that define this pursuit:

a. Conceptual competency
b. Professional competency
c. Ethical competency

Thus, competency-building is the fulcrum of the collaborative interface between the School of
Media and the student. The various demonstrable elements of these competencies perform a
critical role not only for a student in the commitment to their role and exercise of responsible
agency, but also for the institution in its commitment to the student. To us, competency is not to
be defined in narrow curricular or practical success terms, but as the development of a
personality that is professionally, critically, and ethically superior—thinking problem-solving
researchers and professionals who can rethink paradigms and not become cookie-cuLer benchwarmers.

We offer three broad options for the student. These emphasis areas will be chosen only aMer the
first two semesters, once we have successfully laid a solid overarching foundation and applied a
wide-ranging primer:

  • Journalism, laying an across-media emphasis.
  • Media production, with competencies to produce print, audiovisual and digital products.
  • Communication management, including promotional messaging such as brand communication, public relations, reputation communication, events, digital and social media content and marketing.

Foundational courses will be common across the degrees in the school and would include several
practice-related modules. Through this initial period of a student’s journey, we will introduce a
variety of learning mechanisms and tools, including classes, laboratory work, independent and
field work, library, guest interactions, and self-discovery. However, the student will quickly
recognize the complexities in the practice and learn to problematize practices while developing
an increasingly firm grip on fundamental concepts of the functions of journalism, filmmaking, and
communication management. It is this blend that makes our graduates technologically strong and
ethically sound, conceptually clear and practically adept.

Exposing students to eclectic voices is an important part of their learning. Academic, institutional,
and industry partnerships include reputed institutions and organizations from around the world.
The student’s journey will be peppered with guest visits and demonstrations, field visits and
internships. We expect the student to have fun while being serious-minded, relish hard work
while not losing out on the enjoyment of life’s normal experiences.

Specific, tangible and targeted output defines our assessment. All assessment is continual, and
the student is expected to aLend every class of every course. This continuity of presence is
imperative for the student to link together various concepts. One absence is granted without
permission; one more absence may be granted in advance at the discretion of the faculty
member. A student should not expect to “cope” or “compensate” after repeated absences—this
is neither possible nor advisable in the interest of the successful completion of this demanding

At MU’s School of Media, we believe practise collaborative learning—that is, it is our endeavour
to see learning as a joint venture between the student and the institution. How a student peels
an onion ring, going deeper into the funnel of learning, must be demonstrated by linking concepts
to practice. That will lie at the heart of all our assessment.

A social sector internship or initiative, two mandatory industry internships and one optional
internships are included in the programme. These exposures to “real-world experiences” solidify
the concepts-to-practice relationship. The student learns to relate with communities, social
organizations, government agencies, institutions and industries.

The main career focus between these degree programmes will be in news, film and television
industries. However, we expect a significant percentage of graduates to be entrepreneurial, as
recent trends have shown. (Proper training in entrepreneurship will be made available as a part
of an advanced curriculum.)

A final note. Course outlines in this document are indicative and may change as faculty members
bring their philosophies, perspectives and content. Our institution welcomes and encourages this
use of individual strengths and thought. Students will receive specific syllabi with textbooks (if
any) and indications of reading material at the beginning of each course.

Course List and Outline

All courses in Semesters 1 and 2 are mandatory regardless of student’s intent of emphasis. A
course entails classroom and/or laboratory input, and may commonly include field work,
guest interactions, demonstrations and workshops, and open discussions. Over subsequent
semesters, core or even specialized courses are offered across emphases. Some of these may
cross-refer and may be offered jointly across emphases: Ready examples are courses in
research methods and writing.


  • Digital

  • Print

  • Broadcast

  • Film and television

  • Specialized Media

  • Animation and gaming

  • Advertising

  • Public relations


1. One social sector internship or initiative for 2-3 months at the end of the first year.
2. Two specialized industry internships for 3 months each. University’s placement cell will
make all efforts to place students in these final internships, leading to job offers. Industries

  • Newspapers
  • Digital news
  • Television news
  • Television show production
  • Digital production

  • OTT

  • Advertising
  • PR, Corporate communication
  • Event management
  • Digital agencies
  • Animation and gaming production
  • Editing and FX studios

3. An optional post-course 6-month internship in industry or social sector. In lieu of internship,
a media entrepreneurship project may be incubated and implemented as a capstone project.


An entrepreneurship course in media- or communication-related domains is offered in lieu of any one of the internships. Under this, innovative projects will be incubated, presented to industry experts and to potential investors. Students may opt for domains that may be different from their core specialization.



  • Media & Cultural Studies
  • Introduction to Broadcast Media
  • Introduction to New Media
  • Advanced Broadcast Media
  • Advanced New Media
  • Reporting and Editing for Print

  • Global Media and Politics
  • Advertising and Public Relations
  • Development Communication
  • Communication Research
  • Media Ethics & the Law


  • Video journalism
  • Digital features
  • TV News Production

  • Documentary
  • Literature, Art, and Storytelling
  • Media Consumer Behaviour
  • The Business and Organization of Media
  • Media Project Planning and Management
  • Specialized Media Coverage
  • Social Media, Digital Storytelling and Marketing Literature, Art, and Storytelling


  • Moving and still camera (Photography II)
  • Content Management System
  • Advanced television technology (FCP, Studio camera


  • Writing (News and Features)
  • Photojournalism
  • Copy and Editing
  • Print Pre-Press
  • Literature, Art, and Storytelling
  • Media Consumer Behaviour
  • The Business and Organization of Media
  • Media Project Planning and Management
  • Specialized Media Coverage
  • Social Media, Digital Storytelling and Marketing


  • Still and moving camera (Photography II)
  • PhotoShop and CorelDraw
  • Design and Layout on InDesign


  • Digital features
  • Digital News Production
  • Digital Marketing
  • Alternative Journalism (MoJo,YouTube, Multimedia)

  • Literature, Art, and Storytelling
  • Media Consumer Behaviour
  • The Business and Organization of Media
  • Media Project Planning and Management
  • Specialized Media Coverage
  • Social Media, Digital Storytelling and Marketing


  • MS Office (Excel, PowerPoint, Word)
  • Still and moving camera (digital)
  • Content Management System
  • Digital Marketng Tech (Hootsuite)
  • Mobile Editing, Dreamweaver
  • Web Design



  • Communication, Media & Society
  • Camera and Editing for TV
  • Print Media Production
  • Communication and the Plastic Arts
  • Introduction to Broadcast Media
  • Exploring Indian Cinema
  • Global Media and Politics
  • Integrated Marketing Communication
  • Reporting, Anchoring
  • Communication Research
  • Development Communication
  • Documentary


  • Film Appreciation
  • Television Production
  • Ad Film, Corporate Film making
  • Social Media, Digital Storytelling and Marketing
  • Media Consumer Behaviour
  • The Business and Organization of Media
  • Media Project Planning and Management


  • Advanced television technology (DSLR, Sony PXW, lighting, FCP, Smoke)
  • Media Project Planning and Management
  • Set Design (Sketchup Pro)



  • Media Audience Research
  • Account Planning and Management
  • Media Planning and Buying
  • Creative Strategy
  • Social Media, Digital Storytelling and Marketing
  • Marketing and Promotion
  • Business Fundamentals
  • Organizational Behaviour
  • Media Project Planning and Management
  • The Business and Organization of Media
  • Advertising & Brand Management
  • Film Marketing and Distribution
  • Communication Research


  • Advanced MS Excel
  • Media planning soMware
  • Advanced TV technology


  • Media Audience Research
  • Experiential Marketing, Planning and Management
  • Media Relations
  • Specialized PR: Public Affairs,Advocacy, CSR
  • Social Media, Digital Storytelling and Marketing
  • Film Marketing and Distribution Marketing and Promotion
  • Business of Communica>on
  • Organizational Behaviour
  • Media Project Planning and Management
  • The Business and Organization of Media
  • Public Relations & Corporate Communication
  • Account Planning and Management


  • Advanced MS Excel
  • Event project management


Mandatory Courses
Semester 1: Mandatory Courses
Course Classes Lab/Field/
Hours Credits
Learning to learn 10 30 40 02
Data Communication and Basic
Software (MS Office)
07 56 63 03
Professional Communication 10 30 40 02
Literature, Art, Storytelling 25 50 75 03
Photography I: Still and Moving
20 60 80 03
News Analysis I 00 105 105 05
Introduction to Media and
32 32 63 02
Media, Gender, Human Rights 15 30 45 02
Total 119 393 511 22

Average hours per week in this semester: 36


Mandatory Courses
Semester 2: Mandatory courses
Course Classes Lab/Field/
Hours Credits
Photography II: Concepts and
Practice of Visual Communication and
Graphic Design
10 90 100 05
News Analysis II 0 84 84 04
Writing Across Plavorms 16 64 80 03
The Indian Constitution 20 20 40 01
Media and Information Literacy 10 20 30 01
History and Functions of Media and
24 48 72 03
Fundamentals of Business and
08 24 32 01
Introduction to Advertising, Public
Relations and Communication
24 48 72 03
Total 112 398 510 22

Average hours per week in this semester: 35

Course Code Semester Credits offered Credits earned Lectures Tutorials Practicals
Core Semester 1
JM1101 Learning to Learn 2 2 2 0 0
JM1102 Photography I: Still and Moving Images 3 3 1 0 4
JM1103 Introduction to Media and Communication 2 2 2 0 0
JM1104 Literature, Art, Storytelling 3 3 3 0 0
JM1105 News Analysis I 5 5 5 0 0
JM1106 Data Communication and Basic Software 3 3 1 0 4
JM1107 Professional Communication 2 2 2 0 0
JM1108 Media, Gender, Human Rights 2 2 2 0 0
Total 22 22 18 0 8
Semester 2
Core JM1201 History of Media 3 3 3 0 0
JM1202 Visual Communication and Graphic Design 3 3 1 1 2
JM1203 Introduction to Advertising, PR, Communication Management 3 3 3 0 0
JM1204 Fundamentals of Writing and Editing 3 3 1 2 0
JM1205 News Analysis II 3 3 1 2 0
JM1206 Media Technologies 3 3 2 1 0
JM1207 Professional Ethics in Media 3 3 2 1 0
JM1208 The Indian Constitution 2 2 2 0 1
Elective (choose one) JM1209 Media Production I 3 3 0 0 6
Core JM1299 Social sensitization internship OR Guided project 5 5 0 0 10
Total 34 31 15 7 25
Semester 3
Core JM2101 Knowing India: Economy, Society, Culture and Politics 5 5 3 1 2
JM2102 Video Editing and Packaging 4 4 1 1 4
JM2103 Marketing Communication 3 3 3 0 0
JM2105 News Analysis III 3 3 3 0 0
JM2106 Publishing Technology: Print, Digital and Web 5 5 2 2 2
JM2107 Media Consumer Behaviour 3 3 3 0 0
Elective (choose one) JM2109 Media Production II 4 4 0 0 8
Total 31 27 15 4 16
Semester 4
Core JM2203 Communication Research 3 3 3 0 0
JM2204 Social Media 3 1 2 0 2
JM2205 News Analysis IV 3 3 3 0 0
JM2208 Environmental Studies 2 2 2 0 0
Journalism Electives JM2211 Reporting Across Media 3 6 0 2 2
JM2212 Writing and Editing News and Features 3 0 2 2
Media Production Electives JM2221 Television Production 3 0 2 2
JM2222 Film Appreciation 3 1 2 0
Communication Management Electives JM2231 Digital Marketing 3 1 1 2
JM2232 Integrated Marketing Communication 3 2 0 2
Elective (choose one) JM2298 Capstone Project 9 9 0 0 0
JM2299 Industry internship 9 0 0 0
Total 38 24 14 9 12
Semester 5
Core JM3107 Business and Organization of Media 3 3 3 0 0
JM3108 Media Law and Ethics 3 3 3 0 0
Journalism Electives JM3111 Specialized Journalism: Business 2 17 2 0 0
JM3112 Specialized Journalism: Sports 2 2 0 0
JM3113 Specialized Journalism: Health, Science, Environment, Technology 2 2 0 0
JM3114 Specialized Journalism: Politics, Geopolitics 2 2 0 0
Advanced Journalism JM3115 News Studio Systems (Production) 3 0 2 2
JM3116 News Anchoring 3 0 2 2
JM3117 News Pipeline Project I 3 0 2 2
Media Production Electives JM3121 Film Marketing 3 3 0 0
JM3122 Exploring Indian and World Cinema 5 2 2 2
Advanced Media Production JM3123 Audiovisual Studio Systems (Production) 3 0 2 2
JM3124 Advanced audiovisual technology 3 0 2 2
JM3127 Production Pipeline Project I 3 0 2 2
Communication Management Electives JM3131 Film Marketing 3 3 0 0
JM3132 Creative Strategy 5 2 2 2
Advanced Communication Management JM3133 Writing for Communication Management 3 0 2 2
JM3134 Corporate Communication 3 0 2 2
JM3137 Internal Communication Pipeline I 3 0 2 2
Total 57 23 24 22 22
Semester 6
Journalism Core JM3217 News Pipeline II 10 10 0 5 10
Media Production Core JM3227 Production Pipeline II 10 0 5 10
Communication Management Core JM3237 Internal Communication Pipeline II 10 0 5 10
Journalism Elective (Student takes 9 credits) JM3212 Development Communication and Long-Form Journalism 6 9 0 3 6
JM3213 Photojournalism 3 1 1 2
JM3214 Copy Editing 3 2 1 0
JM3215 Independent Journalism 3 1 1 2
JM3216 Writing for emerging media technology 3 2 1 0
Media Produciton Electives (Student takes 9 credits) JM3222 Development Communication and Documentary 6 0 3 6
JM3223 Ad Film, Corporate Film making (Workshops) 3 1 1 2
JM3224 Storytelling Through Animation 3 0 2 2
JM3226 Writing for Emerging Media Technology 3 3 0 0
Communication Management Elective (Student takes 9 credits) JM3232 Account and Media Planning 6 4 1 2
JM3233 Ad Film, Corporate Film making (Workshops) 3 1 1 2
JM3234 Functions of PR 3 3 0 0
JM3235 Experiential Marketing, Planning and Management 6 4 2 0
JM3236 Writing for Emerging Media Technology 3 1 2 0
Total 84 19 23 34 54
Total credits offered (3-year programme) 266
Credits to be earned (3-year programme) 146
Additional List of Courses for 4th year of B.A. (Hons.) in Journalism and Mass Communication
School of Media, Mahindra University
Semester 7
JM4101 Research Methodology 4 4 3 1 0
JM4102 Media Entrepreneurship 3 3 1 1 2
JM4103 Advanced Media Theories 3 3 2 1 0
JM4104 Advanced Storytelling Techniques 3 3 2 0 2
JM4105 Media and Brand Management Techniques 3 3 2 1 0
JM4106 Research Proposal Writing Workshops 2 2 1 1 0
JM4107 Special topics (independent study) 2 2 0 1 2
Total 20 20 11 6 6
Semester 8
JM4298 Research/Project 12 12 0 6 12
Total 12 12 0 6 12
Total credits offered (Honours programme) 298
Credits to be earned (Honours programme) 178
Course Code Semester Credits offered Credits earned Lectures Tutorials Practicals
Core Semester 1
JM1101 Learning to Learn 2 2 2 0 0
JM1102 Photography I: Still and Moving Images 3 3 1 0 4
JM1103 Introduction to Media and Communication 2 2 2 0 0
JM1104 Literature, Art, Storytelling 3 3 3 0 0
JM1105 News Analysis I 5 5 5 0 0
JM1106 Data Communication and Basic Software 3 3 1 0 4
JM1107 Professional Communication 2 2 2 0 0
JM1108 Media, Gender, Human Rights 2 2 2 0 0
Total 22 22 18 0 8
Semester 2
Core JM1201 History of Media 3 3 3 0 0
JM1202 Visual Communication and Graphic Design 3 3 1 1 2
JM1203 Introduction to Advertising, PR, Communication Management 3 3 3 0 0
JM1204 Fundamentals of Writing and Editing 3 3 1 2 0
JM1205 News Analysis II 3 3 1 2 0
JM1206 Media Technologies 3 3 2 1 0
JM1207 Professional Ethics in Media 3 3 2 1 0
JM1208 The Indian Constitution 2 2 2 0 1
Elective (choose one) JM1209 Media Production I 3 3 0 0 6
Core JM1299 Social sensitization internship OR Guided project 5 5 0 0 10
Total 34 31 15 7 25
Semester 3
Core JM2101 Knowing India: Economy, Society, Culture and Politics 5 5 3 1 2
JM2102 Video Editing and Packaging 4 4 1 1 4
JM2103 Marketing Communication 3 3 3 0 0
JM2105 News Analysis III 3 3 3 0 0
JM2106 Publishing Technology: Print, Digital and Web 5 5 2 2 2
JM2107 Media Consumer Behaviour 3 3 3 0 0
Elective (choose one) JM2109 Media Production II 4 4 0 0 8
Total 31 27 15 4 16
Semester 4
Core JM2203 Communication Research 3 3 3 0 0
JM2204 Social Media 3 1 2 0 2
JM2205 News Analysis IV 3 3 3 0 0
JM2208 Environmental Studies 2 2 2 0 0
Journalism Electives JM2211 Reporting Across Media 3 6 0 2 2
JM2212 Writing and Editing News and Features 3 0 2 2
Media Production Electives JM2221 Television Production 3 0 2 2
JM2222 Film Appreciation 3 1 2 0
Communication Management Electives JM2231 Digital Marketing 3 1 1 2
JM2232 Integrated Marketing Communication 3 2 0 2
Elective (choose one) JM2298 Capstone Project 9 9 0 0 0
JM2299 Industry internship 9 0 0 0
Total 38 24 14 9 12
Semester 5
Core JM3107 Business and Organization of Media 3 3 3 0 0
JM3108 Media Law and Ethics 3 3 3 0 0
Journalism Electives JM3111 Specialized Journalism: Business 2 17 2 0 0
JM3112 Specialized Journalism: Sports 2 2 0 0
JM3113 Specialized Journalism: Health, Science, Environment, Technology 2 2 0 0
JM3114 Specialized Journalism: Politics, Geopolitics 2 2 0 0
Advanced Journalism JM3115 News Studio Systems (Production) 3 0 2 2
JM3116 News Anchoring 3 0 2 2
JM3117 News Pipeline Project I 3 0 2 2
Media Production Electives JM3121 Film Marketing 3 3 0 0
JM3122 Exploring Indian and World Cinema 5 2 2 2
Advanced Media Production JM3123 Audiovisual Studio Systems (Production) 3 0 2 2
JM3124 Advanced audiovisual technology 3 0 2 2
JM3127 Production Pipeline Project I 3 0 2 2
Communication Management Electives JM3131 Film Marketing 3 3 0 0
JM3132 Creative Strategy 5 2 2 2
Advanced Communication Management JM3133 Writing for Communication Management 3 0 2 2
JM3134 Corporate Communication 3 0 2 2
JM3137 Internal Communication Pipeline I 3 0 2 2
Total 57 23 24 22 22
Semester 6
Journalism Core JM3217 News Pipeline II 10 10 0 5 10
Media Production Core JM3227 Production Pipeline II 10 0 5 10
Communication Management Core JM3237 Internal Communication Pipeline II 10 0 5 10
Journalism Elective (Student takes 9 credits) JM3212 Development Communication and Long-Form Journalism 6 9 0 3 6
JM3213 Photojournalism 3 1 1 2
JM3214 Copy Editing 3 2 1 0
JM3215 Independent Journalism 3 1 1 2
JM3216 Writing for emerging media technology 3 2 1 0
Media Produciton Electives (Student takes 9 credits) JM3222 Development Communication and Documentary 6 0 3 6
JM3223 Ad Film, Corporate Film making (Workshops) 3 1 1 2
JM3224 Storytelling Through Animation 3 0 2 2
JM3226 Writing for Emerging Media Technology 3 3 0 0
Communication Management Elective (Student takes 9 credits) JM3232 Account and Media Planning 6 4 1 2
JM3233 Ad Film, Corporate Film making (Workshops) 3 1 1 2
JM3234 Functions of PR 3 3 0 0
JM3235 Experiential Marketing, Planning and Management 6 4 2 0
JM3236 Writing for Emerging Media Technology 3 1 2 0
Total 84 19 23 34 54
Total credits offered (3-year programme) 266
Credits to be earned (3-year programme) 146
Additional List of Courses for 4th year of B.A. (Hons.) in Journalism and Mass Communication
School of Media, Mahindra University
Semester 7
JM4101 Research Methodology 4 4 3 1 0
JM4102 Media Entrepreneurship 3 3 1 1 2
JM4103 Advanced Media Theories 3 3 2 1 0
JM4104 Advanced Storytelling Techniques 3 3 2 0 2
JM4105 Media and Brand Management Techniques 3 3 2 1 0
JM4106 Research Proposal Writing Workshops 2 2 1 1 0
JM4107 Special topics (independent study) 2 2 0 1 2
Total 20 20 11 6 6
Semester 8
JM4298 Research/Project 12 12 0 6 12
Total 12 12 0 6 12
Total credits offered (Honours programme) 298
Credits to be earned (Honours programme) 178
Core Courses
Learning to Learn
Photography I: Still and Moving Images
Introduction to Media and Communication
Literature, Art, Storytelling
News Analysis I
Data Communication and Basic Software
Professional Communication
Media, Gender, Human Rights
History of Media
Visual Communication and Graphic Design
Introduction to Advertising, PR, Communication Management
Fundamentals of Writing and Editing
News Analysis II
Media Technologies
Professional Ethics in Media
The Indian Constitution
Media Production I
Knowing India: Economy, Society, Culture and Politics
Video Editing and Packaging
Marketing Communication
News Analysis III
Publishing Technology: Print, Digital and Web
Media Consumer Behaviour
Media Production II
Communication Research
Social Media
News Analysis IV
Environmental Studies
Business and Organization of Media
Media Law and Ethics
Journalism Electives
Reporting Across Media
Writing and Editing News and Features
Specialized Journalism: Business
Specialized Journalism: Sports
Specialized Journalism: Health, Science, Environment, Technology
Specialized Journalism: Politics, Geopolitics
News Studio Systems (Production)
News Anchoring
News Pipeline Project I
News Pipeline II
Development Communication and Long-Form Journalism
Copy Editing
Independent Journalism
Writing for emerging media technology
Media Production Electives
Television Production
Film Appreciation
Film Marketing
Exploring Indian and World Cinema
Audiovisual Studio Systems (Production)
Advanced audiovisual technology
Production Pipeline Project I
Production Pipeline II
Development Communication and Documentary
Ad Film, Corporate Film making (Workshops)
Storytelling Through Animation
Writing for Emerging Media Technology
Communication Management Electives
Digital Marketing
Integrated Marketing Communication
Film Marketing
Creative Strategy
Writing for Communication Management
Corporate Communication
Internal Communication Pipeline I
Internal Communication Pipeline II
Account and Media Planning
Ad Film, Corporate Film making (Workshops)
Functions of PR
Experiential Marketing, Planning and Management
Writing for Emerging Media Technology