Dept of Civil Engineering inaugurated the Traffic and Transportation Systems Laboratory

The Department of Civil Engineering at Mahindra University inaugurated its new lab facility, the Traffic and Transportation Systems Laboratory, by committing to quality education, research, and development in Transportation Engineering. The laboratory is equipped with all-new software with state-of-the-art equipment to cater to the needs of students and researchers working in the areas of traffic and transportation planning.
The resource persons associated with the laboratory are: Dr. Saladi SV Subbarao (Expertise: Travel behavior and modelling, Transportation Planning, TOD, urban transportation systems), Dr. Deepti Avirneni (Expertise: Sustainable/recycled pavement materials, Porous pavements), Dr. Jahnavi Yarlagadda (Expertise: Road Safety, Driver Behavior, Naturalistic Driving Studies, ITS Technologies)
Dr. Sandeepan Roy (Expertise: transportation systems modelling, GIS applications, metaheuristics and optimization in transportation planning, computer-aided geometric design of highways and high-speed rail infrastructure)