Sreedhar Madichetty
Dr. Sreedhar Madichetty (SMC), a Senior Member of IEEE, is a trailblazing researcher in sustainable cyber-physical systems, recognized internationally for his significant academic, research, and industrial contributions. With over 100 Web of Science-indexed publications, widely cited globally, his work addresses critical challenges in renewable energy, electric vehicles (EVs), and power electronics. His 2022 article, New Trends in Electric Motors and Selection for EV Propulsion Systems, earned the Highest Downloaded Paper recognition from IET Electrical Systems in Transportation. Earlier, in 2020, he received the Excellent Paper of the Year Award from the CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems (IEEE) for his innovative work on Standalone BLDC-Based Solar Air Cooler with Maximum Power Point Tracking.
In 2024, Dr. Madichetty’s exceptional contributions were recognized with the prestigious IEI Young Engineer Award by the Institute of Engineers India, Electrical Engineering Discipline. This award, presented at the 39th National Convention of Electrical Engineers in Chennai, acknowledged his impact in the field. He also won the Gold Award at the IEEE R-10 Humanitarian Technology Conference for his innovative Plug and Play IV Curve Tracer for Solar Farms, a solution designed to improve the efficiency and reliability of solar energy systems. Additionally, his collaborative research on Route Map Towards Road Freight Electrification earned both the Best Paper Award (Gold) and Best Presentation Award (Silver) at major international conferences. His work on Battery Safety, Protection, and Disposal Standards in India also garnered the Best Presentation Award (Bronze), demonstrating the importance of his research in shaping safe and sustainable energy technologies. Dr. Madichetty has chaired impactful conferences, including the International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems, Power Electronics, and Electric Vehicles (ICPEEV) in 2023 and 2024. These conferences serve as platforms for knowledge exchange among global experts and advance research in power electronics and EV technology. His leadership in ICPEEV highlights his ability to foster collaboration and drive innovation in sustainable energy systems. Beyond accolades, Dr. Madichetty has secured approximately $0.24 million in research funding from government and private agencies. These grants have supported groundbreaking projects, such as solar EV charging systems and microgrid testbeds. His practical, solution-oriented research bridges the gap between academia and industry.
An advocate for open-source tools, Dr. Madichetty developed the Solar Array Emulator and remote labs software during the COVID-19 pandemic, enabling students and researchers to continue practical learning remotely. These tools are now integral to the curricula of leading universities. As a mentor, Dr. Madichetty supervises six doctoral students and leads a state-of-the-art research lab with a team of ten. His lab focuses on renewable energy systems, power electronics, and cyber-physical systems, equipping students with theoretical and practical expertise to tackle modern engineering challenges. Dr. Madichetty also serves as Associate Editor for prestigious journals like IET Power Electronics and International Journal of Electric Power and Energy Systems (Elsevier), ensuring the dissemination of high-quality research. His involvement with professional organizations, such as IEEE, and his roles in standard-setting committees further emphasize his commitment to advancing technological innovation. Through collaborations with institutions like Technological University Dublin and IIT Delhi, Dr. Madichetty has fostered international research partnerships, addressing global challenges in sustainable energy. His visionary approach and dedication to innovation continue to impact the fields of renewable energy, power electronics, and cyber-physical systems, shaping a sustainable and technologically advanced future.
- Nov 2014 – Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering (Power Electronics and Control Systems) KIIT University, Bhubaneswar.
Thesis: “Some Studies on Design Aspects and Experimental Verification of Modular Multilevel Converter”;
Advisors: Dr. Abhijit Dasgupta, Dr. C K Panigrahi, (External – Prof. J Nanda (IIT Delhi)).
- May 2012 – M. Tech. (Topper and Gold Medal Winner with 9.62 CGPA) in Power Electronics and Drive Systems, KIIT University – Bhubaneswar, India Thesis: “Selective Harmonic Elimination of 3 Phase Inverter”; Advisors: Prof. Abhijit Dasgupta
- May 2010 – B.Tech. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, JNTU Anantapur, Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh, India.
- 01st Aug 2021 Associate Professor- 31st July 2024 at Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ecole Centrale School of Engineering, Mahindra University
2020 - 2021
- 01st April 2020-31st July 2021– Assistant Professor at Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Ecole Centrale School of Engineering, Mahindra University
2019 - 2020
- 01st Sep-2019 to 30th March 2020- Senior Research Fellow, Civil Structural and Environmental Engineering, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
2010 - 2019
- 01st Nov-2017 – 26th Aug-2019: SERB National Post-Doctoral Research Fellow (NPDF) in department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi. NPDF was sponsored by Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Department of science and technology, Govt. of India
2014 - 2017
- 12th Nov-2014 – 31st October-2017: Lecturer in Department of Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, India
- 4th Aug 2014 – 31st October-2014: Assistant Professor in Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, GMR Institute of Technology, India
2012 - 2014
- 9th July 2012 – 31st July 2014: Assistant Manager at M/s Bharti Realty Limited ( Bharti Airtel)
2010 - 2012
- Aug 2010 – May 2012: Teaching Assistant at KIIT University, Bhubaneswar
Article updates can be found at
IET / IEEE Transactions:
- V. S. P. Machina, S. S. Koduru, S. Madichetty and S. Mishra, "Sensor Attack Detection and Mitigation Using Hybrid Physics Informed Neural Networks - A Real-time Implementation for DC-DC Converter," in IEEE Transactions on Industry Application, April 2024, doi: 10.1109/TIA.2024.3383806
- V. S. P. Machina, S. S. Koduru, S. Madichetty and S. Mishra, "A Novel Standalone Implementation of MDNN Controller for DC–DC Converter Resilient to Sensor Attacks—A Design Approach," in IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 2805-2815, June 2023, doi: 10.1109/JESTPE.2023.3242299.
- V. S. P. Machina, S. S. Koduru, S. Madichetty and S. Mishra, "Design and implementation of model parameter independent robust current control scheme of three phase inverter — A neural network-based classification approach," in CPSS Transactions on Power Electronics and Applications, doi: 10.24295/CPSSTPEA.2023.00052.
- S. Madichetty, M. V. S. Prasad, K. S. Suprabhath, R. Anchuri and S. Mishra, "Deep Learning Defined Power Electronic Converters," in IEEE Power Electronics Magazine, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 39-46, Dec. 2023, doi: 10.1109/MPEL.2023.3328164
- Machina, V.S.P., Madichetty, S., Koduru, S.S., Banda, M.K., Mishra, S.: Detection and mitigation of false data injection attack in DC–DC synchronous boost converter: A real-time implementation using shallow neural network model. IET Power Electron. 1–21 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1049/pel2.12634
- S. Madichetty, Y. V. S. Manoj, S. A. Kareem and S. Mishra, "A Novel High-Speed Sensorless Faulty Panel Detection Technique for an SPV String/Array: An accurate and cost-effective approach for SPV industry," in IEEE Power Electronics Magazine, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 33-39, March 2022, doi: 10.1109/MPEL.2022.3140985.
- K. S. Suprabhath, S.P.C. Machina, S. Madichetty “A Deep Learning Based Cyber Attack Detection Scheme in DC Microgrid Systems”, CPSS IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. (Accepted for publication)-2022
- S. Madichetty and S. Mishra, "Cyber Attack Detection and Correction Mechanisms in a Distributed DC Microgrid," in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 1476-1485, Feb. 2022, doi: 10.1109/TPEL.2021.3106808.
- S. Madichetty, A. J. Neroth, S. Mishra and B. C. Babu, "Route Towards Road Freight Electrification in India: Examining Battery Electric Truck Powertrain and Energy Consumption," in Chinese Journal of Electrical Engineering, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 57-75, September 2022, doi: 10.23919/CJEE.2022.000026.
- S Madichetty, Avram John and Sukumar Mishra, "Route Towards Road Freight Electrification in India: Examining Battery Electric Truck Powertrain and Energy Consumption" is accepted for publication in IEEE- CJEE Sep-2021 published by IEEE
- S. Madichetty, S. Mishra and A. J. Neroth, "Maximum Power Point in a Single Step: A Novel Method for PV Industry," in IEEE Power Electronics Magazine, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 48-54, Sept. 2021, doi: 10.1109/MPEL.2021.3099520.
- Madichetty, S., Mishra, S., Basu, M.: New trends in electric motors and selection for electric vehicle propulsion systems. IET. Electr. Syst. Transp. 11( 3), 186– 199 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1049/els2.12018
- Rayguru, Madan Mohan; Madichetty, Sreedhar; Mishra, Sukumar: 'Battery super-capacitor hybrid system for electrical vehicle transportation's systems – an energy integrated approach', IET Energy Systems Integration, 2020, 2, (3), p. 282-288, DOI: 10.1049/iet-esi.2020.0022 IET Digital Library, https://digital- library.theiet.org/content/journals/10.1049/iet-esi.2020.0022
- P. Mathew, S. Madichetty and S. Mishra, "A Multi-Level Control and Optimization Scheme for Islanded PV Based Microgrid: A Control Frame Work," in IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 822-831, May 2019, doi: 10.1109/JPHOTOV.2019.2897579.>
- P. Mathew, S. Madichetty and S. Mishra, "A Multilevel Distributed Hybrid Control Scheme for Islanded DC Microgrids," in IEEE Systems Journal, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 4200-4207, Dec. 2019, doi: 10.1109/JSYST.2019.2896927.
- S. Madichetty, M. Basu, S. Mishra and J. M. Guerrero, "Double Deadbeat Plus Repetitive Control Scheme for Microgrid System," in IEEE Systems Journal, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 3194-3202, Sept. 2019, doi: 10.1109/JSYST.2018.2875543.
- D. Das, S. Madichetty, B. Singh and S. Mishra, "Luenberger Observer Based Current Estimated Boost Converter for PV Maximum Power Extraction-A Current Sensor Less Approach," in IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 278-286, Jan. 2019. doi: 10.1109/JPHOTOV.2018.2877418.
- S. Madichetty, D. Pullaguram and S. Mishra, "A standalone BLDC based solar air cooler with MPP tracking for improved efficiency," in CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 111-119, March 2019, doi: 10.17775/CSEEJPES.2018.00410.
- S. Madichetty, A. Dasgupta, S. Mishra, "Application of an Advanced Repetitive Controller to Mitigate Harmonics in MMC with APOD Scheme," in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 31, no. 9, pp. 6112-6121, Sept. 2016. doi: 10.1109/TPEL.2015.2501314.
- Sreedhar. M, A.Dasgupta, S.Jinka Harmonic Mitigation Scheme for High Frequency Link Inverter-A Practical Approach, HKIE Transactions, Hong Kong. Pages 57-66 doi: 10.1080/1023697X.2015.1009412.
- Sreedhar, M.; Dasgupta, A.; Mishra, S., "New harmonic mitigation scheme for modular multilevel converter an experimental approach," Power Electronics, IET, vol.7, no.12, pp.3090,3100, 12 2014 doi: 10.1049/iet-pel.2014.0028.
- K. N B, S. Madichetty, S. Suprabhath Koduru, M. V. Siva Prasad Chowdary, and S. Mishra, “Finding a faulty/partially shaded panel in an solar photovoltaic array: A novel and instantaneous additional hardware module-based technique,” IEEE Industry Applications Magazine, pp. 2–15, 2024. _ doi: 10.1109/MIAS.2024.3482872.
- S. Suprabhath, M. V. S. Prasad, S. M. Chetty, and S. Mishra, “Standalone deployment of two-fold deep neural network in distributed dc microgrid- fdia detection and mitigation scheme,” IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Industrial Electronics, pp. 1–11, 2024. _ doi: 10.1109/JESTIE.2024.3451720.
- K. Venkat Ram Reddy, Madichetty Sreedhar, Circulating current mitigating scheme in MMC based HVDC system with H-inf repetitive controllers, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Elsevier, Volume 85, February 2017, Pages 143-152, ISSN 0142-0615
- L.V. Suresh Kumar, G.V. Nagesh Kumar, Sreedhar Madichetty, Pattern search algorithm based automatic online parameter estimation for AGC with effects of wind power, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Elsevier, Volume 84, January 2017, Pages 135-142, ISSN 0142-0615
- Sreedhar Madichetty, A. Dasgupta, L.V. Suresh Kumar, Application of modular multilevel converter for AGC in an interconnected power system, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Volume 74, January 2016, Pages 293-300, ISSN 0142-0615
- J. Nanda, M. Sreedhar, Abhijit Dasgupta, A new technique in hydro thermal interconnected automatic generation control system by using minority charge carrier inspired algorithm, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems Elsevier, Volume 68, June 2015, Pages 259-268, ISSN 0142-0615
Springer/ T&F/ Wiley ( SCI- Publications) :
- Suprabhath Koduru, Sriranga, Venkata Siva Prasad Machina, and Sreedhar Madichetty. 2024. "Data-Driven Solutions for Next-Generation Automotive Cyber security" Transactions of the National Academy of Engineering, DOI: 10.1007/s41403-024-00491-6.
- Banda, Mohan Krishna, Sreedhar Madichetty, and Shanthi Kumar Nandavaram Banda. 2023. "Implementation of Deep Learning-Based Bi-Directional DC-DC Converter for V2V and V2G Applications—An Experimental Investigation" Energies 16, no. 22: 7614. https://doi.org/10.3390/en16227614
- Suprabhath Koduru, Sriranga, Venkata Siva Prasad Machina, and Sreedhar Madichetty. 2023. "Cyber Attacks in Cyber-Physical Microgrid Systems: A Comprehensive Review" Energies 16, no. 12: 4573. https://doi.org/10.3390/en16124573
- Patra, Sandipan, Sreedhar Madichetty, and Malabika Basu. 2021. "Development of a Smart Energy Community by Coupling Neighbouring Community Microgrids for Enhanced Power Sharing Using Customised Droop Control" Energies 14, no. 17: 5383. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14175383
- Govindugari Venkata, S., Ganesh, V. Madichetty, S. Electr Eng (2018) 100: 2023. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00202-018-0681-0
- Vulusala G, V. S., and Madichetty, S. (2017) Application of superconducting magnetic energy storage in electrical power and energy systems: a review. Int. J. Energy Res., doi:10.1002/er.3773.
- Sreedhar Madichetty & Sukumar Mishra (2017) High voltage repetitive pulsed power generator by using modular multilevel converter, International Journal of Ambient Energy, DOI: 10.1080/01430750.2017.1405281
- Mishra, S., Palu, I., Madichetty, S., and Suresh Kumar, L. V. (2016) Modelling of wind energy-based microgrid system implementing MMC. Int. J. Energy Res., doi: 10.1002/er.3490.
- Madichetty, Sreedhar, and Abhijit Dasgupta. ”Modular Multilevel Converters Part-I: A Review on Topologies, Modulation, Modeling and Control Schemes.” International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems (IJPEDS) 4.1 (2014): 36-50.
- Madichetty, S., Dasgupta, A. Jinka, S. (2014). A New Harmonic Mitigation Scheme for MMC An Experimental Approach. International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems, 15(3), pp. 299-311. from doi:10.1515/ijeeps-2014-0015
- Madichetty, S., Dasgupta, A. (2014). Experimental verification of circulating current mitigation scheme in MMC by using ISE technique. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 12(5), 3431-3443.
- Madichetty, S., Dasgupta, A. (2014). Modular Multilevel Converters Part-I: A Review on Topologies, Modulation, Modeling and Control Schemes. International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems (IJPEDS), 4(1), 36-50.
- Madichetty, S., Dasgupta, A. (2014). Harmonic Mitigated Front End 3 Level Diode Clamped High Frequency Link Inverter by Using MCI Technique. International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems, 4(1).
- Madichetty, S., Panda, S., Mishra, S., Dasgupta, A. (2013). A review and advance technology in multi-area automatic generation control by using minority charge carrier inspired algorithm. International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems, 14(6), 609-627.
IEEE Conference Papers:
- SK. Mahammad Firoz, Sreedhar Madichetty, and Mohan Krishna Banda " Design and Implementation of Isolated DC-DC Low Voltage and High Power Converter," ICSSES 2024 second Annual Conference on Smart Systems for Applications in Electrical Sciences, Tumakuru, Tumakuru, 2024, pp. 1-7, doi: 10.1109/ICSSES62373.2024.10561379
- V. S. P. Machina, S. S. Koduru, S. Madichetty and S. Mishra, "An Efficient Neural Network Classifier Design for Detection of FDI attacks in Cyber-Physical Systems," IECON 2023- 49th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Singapore, Singapore, 2023, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/IECON51785.2023.10312017
- F. A. Vaidhyan and S. Madichetty, "Autonomous Vehicle Development and Navigation on Lane-Less Roads Using Enhanced Lane Detection Techniques," 2023 First International Conference on Cyber Physical Systems, Power Electronics and Electric Vehicles (ICPEEV), Hyderabad, India, 2023, pp. 1-9, doi: 10.1109/ICPEEV58650.2023.10391893.
- M. K. Banda, S. Madichetty and S. Mishra, "Design of ANN Based Controller for Battery Charging Using Synchronous Buck Converter," 2022 22nd National Power Systems Conference (NPSC), New Delhi, India, 2022, pp. 178-182, doi: 10.1109/NPSC57038.2022.10069387.
- V. S. P. Machina, S. S. Koduru, S. Madichetty and S. Mishra, "Design of ANN Based Controller for Cyberattack Detection in DC-DC Buck Converter," 2022 22nd National Power Systems Conference (NPSC), New Delhi, India, 2022, pp. 460-464, doi: 10.1109/NPSC57038.2022.10068889.
- Pushkar, K., Napa, N., Madichetty, S., Agrawal, M. K., Tamma, B. (2022). Thermal Analysis of Lithium Ion Battery Pack with Different Cooling Media (No. 2022-28-0043). SAE Technical Paper ISSN: 0148-7191, e-ISSN: 2688-3627 DOI: https://doi.org/10.4271/2022-28-0043
- V. S. P. Machina, K. S. Suprabhath and S. Madichetty, "Fault Detection in Solar Photovoltaic Systems During Winter Season- A Deep Learning Approach,"2022 IEEE Texas Power and Energy Conference (TPEC), 2022, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/TPEC54980.2022.9750828. (IAS Journal extension)
- S. S. Koduru, V. S. P. Machina and S. Madichetty, "Real-Time Implementation of Deep Learning Technique in Microcontroller-Based DC-DC Boost Converter- A Design Approach," 2022 IEEE Delhi Section Conference (DELCON), 2022, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/DELCON54057.2022.9753325.
- S. P. C. Machina, S. S. Koduru and S. Madichetty, "Solar Energy Forecasting Using Deep Learning Techniques," IEEE 2022 2nd International Conference on Power Electronics & IoT Applications in Renewable Energy and its Control (PARC), 2022, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/PARC52418.2022.9726605.
- K.S. Suprabhath, S.P.C. Machina, S. Madichetty, ”A Review on Forecasting Models and Anomaly Detection for Household Energy Consumption”, IEEEC Smart generation conference,Banglore, 23-25 Dec 2022.
- S.P.C.Machina, K. S. Suprabhath, S. Madichetty “Artificial Neural Network controller and False data injection attack detection mechanism for Buck converter”, IEEE 22nd National Power System Conference 2022, IIT Delhi, 17-19 Dec 2022.
- Mohan Krishna, K. S. Suprabhath, S.P.C.Machina, S. Madichetty “A Deep Learning Based Cyber Attack Detection and Mitigation Scheme in Synchronous Buck Converter”, Power Electronics Drives and Energy Systems 2022, MNIT Jaipur, 14-17 Dec 2022
- M. Nutakki and K. S. Suprabhath, "Relay Coordination with Delay Latency for a LMI based LFC Model," IEEE 2020 International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies (ICICT), 2020, pp. 985-988, doi: 10.1109/ICICT48043.2020.9112402.
- J. K. Motwani, S. Madichetty, B. Duggal and S. Mishra, ”Intelligent control scheme for SPV-wind-BESS based microgrid,” 2018 IEEMA Engineer Infinite Conference (eTechNxT), New Delhi, 2018, pp. 1-6. doi: 10.1109/ETECHNXT.2018. o S. Madichetty, B. Duggal, A. Borgaonkar and S. Mishra, ”Modeling and design of solid state smart transformer for microgrid,” 2018 IEEMA Engineer Infinite Conference (eTechNxT), New Delhi, 2018, pp. 1-6. doi: 10.1109/ETECHNXT. 2018.
- Kiran Khunte, S. Madichetty, S. Mishra, ”Output Voltage Control of DC-DC Boost Converter Using Model Predictive Control Approach”, 2018 2nd IEEE International conference on power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy systems (ICPEICES) held on Oct.22-24, 2018, Delhi Technological University, Bawana Road, Delhi
- Dhiman Das, S. Madichetty, S. Mishra, ”Dual Loop Controlled Isolated Boost Converter for PV Based Energy Hub – A Wireless Power Control Approach”, 2018 6th IEEE India International conference on power Electronics (IICPE) held on Dec.14-17, 2018, MNIT Jaipur, Jaipur
- Suresh babu , Gansesh V , and S. Madichetty, ”Application of bacteria foraging algorithm for MMC based smart microgrid 2017 IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid and Smart Cities (ICSGSC),Nanyang Technical University, Nanyang View, Singapore, 2017, pp. 1-6
- Y. Nagaraja, T. Devaraju, M. V. Kumar and S. Madichetty, ”A survey on wind energy, load and price forecasting: (Forecasting methods),” 2016 International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization Techniques (ICEEOT), Chennai, 2016, pp. 783-788.doi: 10.1109/ICEEOT.2016.7754792
- Sai Prasanna, P.; Sreedhar, Madichetty; Suresh Kumar, L.V., ”A review on circulating current suppression control, capacitor voltage balancing and fault analysis of modular multilevel converters,” in Electrical, Electronics, Signals, Communication and Optimization (EESCO), 2015 International Conference on , vol., no., pp.1-6, 24-25 Jan. 2015 doi:10.1109/EESCO.2015.7253622.
- Prasanna P. S., Sreedhar M. and Suresh Kumar L. V., ”A comparative analysis of circulating current controllers for modular multilevel converters,” 2015 Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON), New Delhi, India, 2015, pp. 1-6.doi:10.1109/INDICON.2015.7443169
- Sreedhar, Madichetty; Dasgupta, Abhijit, ”High frequency link soft switched pulse shifted modulated front end 3 level diode clamped inverter using APSO,” IEEE Automation, Control, Energy and Systems (ACES), 2014 First International Conference on , vol., no., pp.1,6, 1-2 Feb.2014 doi: 10.1109/ACES.2014.6808000
- Ray, Soumyadeep; Sreedhar, Madichetty; Dasgupta, Abhijit, ”ZVCS based high frequency link grid connected SVPWM applied three phase three level diode clamped inverter for photovoltaic applications,” IEEE Power and Energy Systems Conference: Towards Sustainable Energy, 2014 , vol., no., pp.1,6,13-15,March,2014 doi: 10.1109/PESTSE.2014.6805270 o Madichetty, S.; Rambabu, M.; Dasgupta, A., ”Selective harmonic elimination: Comparative analysis by different optimization methods,” Power Electronics (IICPE), 2014 IEEE 6th India International Conference on , vol., no., pp.1,6,8-10 Dec. 2014 doi: 10.1109/IICPE.2014.7115862.
- Sreedhar, M.; Upadhyay, N.M.; Mishra, S., ”Optimized solutions for an optimization technique based on minority charge carrier inspired algorithm applied to selective harmonic elimination in induction motor drive,” Recent Advances in Information Technology (RAIT), 2012 1st International Conference on , vol., no., pp.788,793, 15-17 March 2012 doi: 10.1109/RAIT.2012.6194523
- Sreedhar, M.; DasGupta, A., ”Experimental verification of Minority Charge Carrier Inspired Algorithm applied to voltage source inverter,” Power Electronics (IICPE), 2012 IEEE 5th India International Conference on , vol., no., pp.1,6, 6-8 Dec.2012 doi: 10.1109/IICPE.2012.6450395
- Sreedhar, M.; DasGupta, A., ”Application of Accelerated Particle Swarm Optimization to multi-level diode clamped inverter,” Power Electronics (IICPE), 2012 IEEE 5th India International Conference on, vol., no., pp.1,5, 6-8 Dec. 2012 doi: 10.1109/IICPE.20126450396
Conference Proceedings
- S. Koduru, V. S. P. Machina, S. Madichetty, and S. Mishra, “Rul prediction in safety-critical systems: Simplifying complexity with ml,” in 2024 IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Computing and Communication Technologies (CONECCT), 2024, pp. 1–6. _doi: 10.1109/CONECCT62155.2024.10677118.
- R. Bhavanam and S. Madichetty, "A Review of the Battery Safety, Protection and Disposal Standards in India," 2024 International Conference on Sustainable Energy: Energy Transition and Net-Zero Climate Future (ICUE), Pattaya City, Thailand, 2024, pp. 1-8, doi: 10.1109/ICUE63019.2024.10795537.
Book Published:
- Madichetty, P. M. Khan, and A. El Kamel, Chapter 6 - Security for autonomous vehicles, M. H. Rashid, Ed. Academic Press, 2024, pp. 81–90, isbn: 978-0-323-99545-0. _ doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-323-99545-0.00014-2.
- Muhammad H. Rashid, Shu Yuen (Ron) Hui, Henry Shu-Hung Chung, Sreedhar Madichetty, N.B. Shanthi Kumar, B. Mohan Krishna, Chapter 11 - Resonant and Soft-Switching Converters, Editor(s): Muhammad H. Rashid, Power Electronics Handbook (Fifth Edition), Butterworth-Heinemann, 2024, Pages 345-405, ISBN 9780323992169, https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-323-99216-9.00022-6. (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780323992169000226)
- Book chapter on Battery Charging Technologies for EV, Authors Sreedhar Madichetty, Shanti Kumar and Mohan Krishna, Elsevier Publications, Edited by M H Rashid, Electric Vehicle Technology 1st Edition - 2022
Book chapter on Resonant and Soft switching converters, Authors Sreedhar
Madichetty, Shanti Kumar and Mohan Krishna, Elsevier Publications, Edited
by M H Rashid, Power Electronics 6th Edition – 2022
- An Introduction to Modular Multi Level Converters, Authors Sreedhar Madichetty, L. V. Suresh Kumar, P. S. Prasanna, Edition illustrated, Publisher Lap Lambert Academic Publishing GmbH KG, 2015, ISBN 3659349941, 9783659349942
- Sreedhar Madichetty, Mohan Krishna, Usha, and Shanti Kumar , “Adaptive V2V Chargers”, PP- 29- 31, Auto Components of India, June 2024
- Distributed control of DC/AC Microgrid using Renewable Energy Sources
- Development of DC-DC / DC-AC converters using NI LabView and DSPiC
- Application of Deep Learning Techniques to Power Electronic Applications
- Cyber Security at Hardware level to Power Electronic systems
- Application of smart intelligent techniques to high voltage AC/ DC Power Electronic Systems
- High penetration of renewable energy systems using power electronic converters
- Design and development of charging station for electrical vehicles
- Smart charging for EVs, Grid to Vehicle, Vehicle to Grid, Vehicle to Vehicle
- Development of DC/AC microgrid
- Observer based control and estimation applications in DC/AC grid
- Integration of Battery-Supercapacitor systems for EV’s
- Framework for EV’s and Renewable energy penetration in to Indian Market
- Control and Protection of DC/AC microgrid
- IEI Young Engineer Award, Institute of Engineers India, Electrical Engineering Discipline. Award includes a Citation, Plaque and Certificate, presented during the 39th National Convention of Electrical Engineers, Chennai, October 25-26, 2024.
- Gold Award, IEEE R-10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (HTC) Innovation Challenge, for the innovation titled “Plug and Play IV Curve Tracer for Solar Farms.” Awarded to Sreedhar Madichetty, Shanti Kumar and Chandrakala, October 2024.
- Best Paper Award (Gold), Title: “Route Map Towards Road Freight Electrification: Developing Dual-Energy Electric Vehicles.” Authors: Shanti Kumar Banda, Sreedhar Madichetty, and Deepesh Verma, October 2024.
- Best Presentation Award (Silver), Title: “Route Map Towards Road Freight Electrification: Developing Dual-Energy Electric Vehicles.” Authors: Shanti Kumar Banda, Sreedhar Madichetty, and Deepesh Verma, October 2024.
- Best Presentation Award (Bronze), Title: “A Review of Battery Safety, Protection, and Disposal Standards in India.” Authors: Yaminidhar Reddy Bhavanam and Sreedhar Madichetty, October 2024.
- IET Electrical Systems in Transportation’s highest-downloaded paper in 2022: ‘New trends in electric motors and selection for electric vehicle propulsion systems’, https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7012024842501652480/
- Selected for Indian National Academy of Engineering mentoring program for engineering teachers at IIT Delhi, under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Janardan Nanda (FIEEE, FINA, FINAE, FTWAS).
- M.Tech Topper with 9.62 CGPA with Vice Chancellor MEDAL.
- Received Best Scholastic Award from Inter science research network, Bhubaneswar in 2011.
- Received Gold Medal for outstanding performance and best paper presentation from Inter Science Research Network, Bhubaneswar in 2011.
- Received Outstanding Academic excellence reward from M/s Bharti Realty Limited, Gurgaon in 2012.
- Received Excellence reward from M/s Bharti Realty Limited for outstanding contribution for executing the 66/11 kV GIS substation.
- Received Best Poster Presentation award from Prof. P. P. Mathur (VC, KIIT Univeristy), Prof. Suman Chakrabarthy (Bhatnagar Awardee,IIT KGP), Prof. V.Chandra sekhar(Director, NISER) on 28.02.2014 on occasion of National Science Day at KIIT University, Bhubaneswar.
- Received Best paper award in 2015 Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON), New Delhi, India, 2015.
- Best presentation award at 2017 IEEE International Conference on Green Energy at Nanyang Technical University- Singapore 23rd July-26th July-2017.
- Best reviewer contribution award for International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems June-2017.
- Received Seal of Excellence by “European Commission” for the project MSCA-2018-841470 titled “Universal High power Pulsed Electric Field Generation using power electronic systems”.
- SERB International travel grant of Rs. 1,60,000 was sanctioned to attend an international conference on Smart grid at Nanyang Technical University, Singapore.
- Awarded with a National Post-Doctoral Fellowship by Science and Engineering Research Board, DST, Govt. of India Rs. 24,60,000.
- Excellent paper Award in IEEE-CSEE JPES for the Year -2020. Article Title “A Standalone BLDC Based Solar Air Cooler with MPP Tracking for Improved Efficiency”
[1] S. Madichetty and C. Chandrakala, “Fault Detection in SPV Array,” Patent Application No. 202341087876, filed Dec. 21, 2023, published Jan. 12, 2024.
[2] S. Madichetty and M. Mahesh, “Buck and Boost Converter System,” Patent Application No. 202341087885, filed Dec. 21, 2023, published Jan. 12, 2024.
[3] S. Madichetty and F. Firoz, “Solar-Powered Electric Vehicle Charging System,” Patent Application No. 202341087892, filed Dec. 22, 2023, published Jan. 12, 2024.
[4] S. Madichetty and G. Guathami, “VFD for Induction Motor,” Patent Application No. 202341087891, filed Dec. 21, 2023, published Jan. 12, 2024.
[5] S. Madichetty and S. Kumar, “Dual Function Boost Conductor,” Patent Application No. 202341087893, filed Dec. 22, 2023, published Jan. 12, 2024.
[6] S. Madichetty and U. Ushashwini, “Suppression of Oscillation,” Patent Application No. 202341087894, filed Dec. 22, 2023, published Jan. 12, 2024.
[7] S. Madichetty, “Active Cooling System,” Patent Application No. 202341087897, filed Dec. 22, 2023, published Jan. 12, 2024.
[8] S. Madichetty, “Twin Neural Network-Based Detection of FDIA,” Patent Application No. 202341087895, filed Dec. 22, 2023, published Jan. 12, 2024.
[9] S. Madichetty, “Data-Driven Unified Controller for FDIA,” Patent Application No. 202341087896, filed Dec. 22, 2023, published Jan. 12, 2024.
[10] S. Madichetty, “Flexibility and Optimization with Accurate Object Identification Using Multifused Deep Learning Technique,” Patent Application No. 202341087898, filed Dec. 22, 2023, published Jan. 12, 2024.
[11] S. Madichetty, “Solar-Powered Electric Vehicle Charging System with Maximum Power Extraction and CCS Protocol Integration,” not filed, similar to filed application.
[12] S. Madichetty, “Artificial Intelligence-Integrated Online Intrusion Detection System in Connected and Autonomous Vehicles,” Patent Application No. 202441033688, filed Apr. 28, 2024, published May 3, 2024.
[13] S. Madichetty, “A Method of Fabrication of an Autonomous Electric Trike Through Sensor Integration,” Patent Application No. 202441042839, filed Jun. 3, 2024, published Jun. 7, 2024.
[14] S. Madichetty, “Enhanced Traffic Recognition System for Computer Vision in Autonomous Electric Vehicles in Inclement Weather Conditions,” Patent Application No. 202441088567, filed Nov. 15, 2024, published Dec. 13, 2024.
[15] S. Madichetty, “Intelligent Control System for Monitoring the Maintenance of the Center Pivot Irrigation System,” Patent Application No. 202441097325, filed Dec. 10, 2024, published Dec. 13, 2024.
[16] S. Madichetty, “Digital Twin Integration for Real-Time Implementation of Wind Turbine Emulator Analysis and Optimization,” Patent Application No. 202441099180, filed Dec. 15, 2024, published Dec. 20, 2024.
[17] S. Madichetty, “A Novel Islanding Detection Method Using Magnetic Characteristics of the B-H Curve in the LCL Filter of a Grid-Tied Inverter,” Patent Application No. 202441099169, filed Dec. 14, 2024, published Dec. 20, 2024.
[18] S. Madichetty, “Secure EV Data Transmission to Cloud with Firmware Update Using Bootloader with Double-End Decryption,” Patent Application No. 202441097677, filed Dec. 11, 2024, published Dec. 13, 2024.
[19] S. Madichetty, “Threat Analysis and Countermeasures for Masquerade Attack on Biometric Car Door Unlock System,” Patent Application No. 202441098518, filed Dec. 12, 2024, published Dec. 20, 2024.
[20] S. Madichetty, “Adaptive EV Charging System with Predictive Load Balancing and Grid Stability Features,” Patent Application No. 202441096862, filed Dec. 7, 2024, published Dec. 13, 2024.
[21] S. Madichetty, “Neuromorphic Controller,” Patent Application No. 202441097992, filed Dec. 11, 2024, published Dec. 20, 2024.
[22] S. Madichetty, “Enhanced Smart Insulin Management System: Predictive Glucose Monitoring and Emergency Response Platform,” Patent Application No. 202441098495, filed Dec. 12, 2024, published Dec. 20, 2024.
[23] S. Madichetty, “Sensorless Voltage and Current Estimation for Inverters Using Kalman Filter-Based Observers,” Patent Application No. 202441099179, filed Dec. 15, 2024, published Dec. 20, 2024.
[24] S. Madichetty, “Double-End Encryption in OCPP Protocol Vehicle Charging,” Patent Application No. 202441098404, filed Dec. 12, 2024, published Dec. 20, 2024.
[25] S. Madichetty, “Design and Development of Wireless EV Charging Protocol,” Patent Application No. 202441098148, filed Dec. 12, 2024, published Dec. 20, 2024.
[26] S. Madichetty, “IoT-Controlled Autonomous Miniature Vehicle with Wireless Communication and Remote Navigation for Agriculture Automation and Remote Surveillance,” Patent Application No. 202441097667, filed Dec. 10, 2024, published Dec. 13, 2024.
[27] S. Madichetty, “Innovative Multi-Layer Multi-Tap Compact-Sized Planar Transformer for Variable Output Voltage Applications,” Patent Application No. 202441098065, filed Dec. 11, 2024, published Dec. 20, 2024.
[28] S. Madichetty, “Snake-Inspired Automated Electric Vehicle Charging System with Adaptive Movement Mechanism,” Patent Application No. 202441098068, filed Dec. 12, 2024, published Dec. 20, 2024.
[29] S. Madichetty, “Cybersecurity and Mitigation of Replay Attacks in Power Converters Using Machine Learning-Integrated Nonce Mechanism,” Patent Application No. 202441097969, filed Dec. 11, 2024, published Dec. 20, 2024.
- An Artificial Intelligence-Integrated Online Intrusion Detection System in Connected and Autonomous Vehicles, Indian Patent, Published- Inventors: Dr. Sreedhar Madichetty, Pathan Meeravali Khan, Banda Mohan Krishna.
- A Method of Fabrication of An Autonomous Electric Trike Through Sensor Integration, Indian Patent, published-Inventors: Dr.Sreedhar Madichetty, Sidhartha Mohanta.
- Indian Patent Published ”Title of the invention : A HIGHLY EFFICIENT METHODOLOGY FOR SOLAR PV FARMS BY USING SYNCHRONOUS BYPASS AND BLOCKING SWITCHES” 202241029100 , Inventors: Sreehdar madichetty, Shantikumar and Nandini
- Indian Patent Published “202141029196”, “HYBRID HARDWARE MAXIMUM POWER POINT TECHNIQUE FOR SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC PANELS”, 14th Jan 2022, Inventors: Dr. Sreedhar Madichetty, Mr. Abdul Kareem
- Indian Patent Filed ” 202241008481″, “SENSORLESS PARTIAL/ FULL SHADED SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC PANEL DETECTION TECHNIQUE FOR AN SPV STRING/ARRAY” Dt:- 02nd Feb 2022, Inventors: Dr. Sreedhar Madichetty, YVS Manoj, Abdul Kareem, Shanti Kumar and Sukumar Mishra
- Filed an Indian Patent IDF/11/2017/97, Variable High Gain DC to DC boost converter Inventors: Prof. Sukumar Mishra, Dr. Sreedhar Madichetty
- Filed an Indian Patent IDF/11/2017/100, Coordinated Grid Solar PV Frequency Response Charger Inventors: Prof. Sukumar Mishra, Dr. Sreedhar Madichetty, Mr. Bhanu Duggal
- HYBRID HARDWARE MAXIMUM POWER POINT TECHNIQUE FOR SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC PANELS , Indian Patent, Published- Inventors: Dr. Sreedhar Madichetty, Prof. SukumarMishra
- A SYSTEM FOR DETECTING FAULTS OCCURRING ON PANEL LEVEL IN SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC ARRAYIndian Patent, Published- Inventors:, Dr. Sreedhar Madichetty, Yellepeddi Venkata Sai Manoj, Shaik Abdul Kareem, Nandavaram Banda Shanthi Kumar, Prof. SukumarMishra
- A HIGHLY EFFICIENT METHODOLOGY FOR SOLAR PV FARMS BY USING SYNCHRONOUS BYPASS AND BLOCKING SWITCHES, Indian Patent, Published- Inventors: Dr. Sreedhar Madichetty, Nandavaram Banda Shanthi Kumar, Nandini Somarapu
- Kumar, Jayakeerth Vardhan Kilaparthi, Vishwagnya Thudi, Abdul Kareem Shaik”
- A COMPACT DUAL-MODE CONVERTER FOR DYNAMIC ENERGY OPTIMIZATION, Indian Patent, Published- Inventors: Dr. Sreedhar Madichetty, Durga Mahesh Natham
- A DUAL FUNCTION BASED BOOST INDUCTOR FOR IV CURVE TRACER AND BOOST CONVERTER OPERATION, Indian Patent, Published- Inventors: “Dr. Sreedhar Madichetty, Nandavaram Banda Shanthi Kumar “
- TWIN NEURAL NETWORK BASED DETECTION AND MITIGATION OF FALSE DATA INJECTION ATTACKS ON DC-DC CONVERTERS, Indian Patent, Published- Inventors: Dr. Sreedhar Madichetty, Koduru Sriranga Suprabhath, Machina Venkata Siva Prasad Chowdary, Banda Mohan Krishna
- DESIGN OF DATA DRIVEN UNIFIED CONTROLLER FOR CONTROL AND CYBER ATTACK DETECTION & MITIGATION IN POWER ELECTRONIC CONVERTERS, Indian Patent, Published- Inventors: Dr. Sreedhar Madichetty, Koduru Sriranga Suprabhath, Machina Venkata Siva Prasad Chowdary
- ACTIVE COOLING SYSTEMS WITHOUT ANY POWER REQUIREMENT, Indian Patent, Published- Inventors: Dr. Sreedhar Madichetty, Rama Krishna Mogilinedi
Commercial Products Developed
- High gain DC-DC boost converter (12 to 220 V DC)
- Solar charge controller with MPPT
- Solar PV array emulator (50V 20A), (50V 40A), (100V 10A), (100V 20A)
- Redox flow battery emulator (48V 20A)
- DC microgrid research test-bed (5 kW) bi directional converter
- Fuel Cell Emulator (60V 12A)
- AC microgrid research testbed
- Data logger ( Analog, Digital and RS 485 with Real time clock)
- Isolated DC to DC Converter- 12V 50 A
- Non isoloated DC to DC Converter- 100V 30 A
- Solar PV Grid Connected Inverter 1 kVA ( 350 -425 VDC to 230 V AC Grid with 50 Hz Freqeuncy)
- Hydrogen fuel cell based two Bi Cycle
- Hydrogen fuel cell based scooter
- Awarded with research grant from Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) Sponsored ” Weak Grid Integration of Bulk Wind Energy Resources: Experimental Evaluation”- 30,00,000 INR
- Energy and Environment Research Training Center, Australia, Grant- Euro- 1000.00
- Awarded with research grant from Department of Science and Technology Sponsored ” Off-grid PV-VRFB-SC based Electic Vehicle Charging Infrastructure”- 1,91,550,00.00 INR
- Awarded with a research funding to develop a EV Charging Infrastructure from Department of Science and Technology for a project from 2022-2025 with a funding of 191.55 Lakh INR.
- SERB International travel grant of Rs. 1,60,000 was sanctioned to attend an international conference on Smart grid at Nanyang Technical University, Singapore
- Awarded with a National Post-Doctoral Fellowship by Science and Engineering Research Board, DST, Govt. of India with a Funding amount of 24 Lakh INR ; Execution period 2017-19
- Awarded with a start-up research grant to develop secure cyber physical based microgrid by Science and Engineering Research Board, DST, Govt. of India with a funding of 30 Lakh INR; Execution Period 2020-2022
- Awarded with a research funding to develop a plug and play based IV curve tracer for PV Panel by Department of Science and Technology for a project from 2021-2024 with a funding of 45.4 Lakh INR.
- Awarded with a research funding India Nippon Electrical Limited for a project from 2021-2022 with a funding of 3 Lakh INR
- Awarded with research grant from TiHAN IITH Sponsored ” Development of an Autonomous Aerial Robotics System for Harvesting Coconuts ”- 30,00,00.00 INR, 18 Months
- Title: Demonstration of 50 kW Grid-Intelligent Solar-Supported DC Fast Charger for EVs
- Funding Agency: CPRI
- Total Amount: 139 Lakhs (IITD and MU)
- Duration: 24 Months
- Utilization Percentage: Approval received; funds are yet to be released
- Title: Atal Incubation Center (under the aegis of the Atal Innovation Mission of NITI Aayog)
- Funding Agency: Government of India
- Total Amount: 10000 Lakhs (500 Lakhs MU and 500 Lakhs Govt of India)
- Duration: 60 Months
- Team: Prof. Yajulu Medury, Prof. Raj Kumar Phatate, Prof. Bharghava Rajaram and Prof. Sreedhar Madichetty,
- Utilization Percentage: Approval received and AIC setup
Journal Editor:
- Guest Associated Editor position in IET Power Electronics, which is sponsored by IET UK, and published by Wiley. (Link: https://ietresearch.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/hub/journal/17554543/homepage/call-for-papers/si-2023-000192)
- Guest Editor Energies- Special Issue “Control and Optimization of Microgrids and Renewable Energy Systems” (Link: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/energies/special_issues/N397LGOESO)
Workshops/ Conferences Conducted:
- Conducted a One-Day Hands-on Training and Workshop on ” LabVIEW Programming and Data Control ” 17th Feb 2024 with 60 participants across the India to attract M. Tech and Ph.D students.
- Conducted a Two-Day Hands-on Training and Workshop on ” Leveraging Ansys solutions for Electrical vehicle Devlopments ” 21st -22nd March 2024 with 40 participants across the India to attract M. Tech , Ph.D students and Industry peoples.
- Conducted a Two-Day Hands-on Training and Workshop on ” LabVIEW Programming and PCB Design” 20-21st Jan 2023 with 51 participants across the India to attract M. Tech and Ph.D students
- Conference Chair- ICPEEV 2023- https://mahindrauniversity.edu.in/icpeev-2023/ IEEE Technically Co-Sponsored “The First International Conference on Cyber physical Systems, Power Electronics and Electric Vehicles- ICPEEV 2023 will be held at Mahindra University, Hyderabad, India, from Sep-28th to 30th -2023.’
- Conference Chair- ICPEEV 2024- https://mahindrauniversity.edu.in/icpeev-2024/ IEEE Technically Co-Sponsored “The Second International Conference on Cyber physical Systems, Power Electronics and Electric Vehicles- ICPEEV 2024 will be held at Mahindra University, Hyderabad, India, from Sep-26th to 28th -2024.’