Janardhan Vistapalli
Associate Professor
Dr Janardhan is faculty in the department of mechanical engineering. Dr Janardhan completed his MS by research from Indian Institute of Technology Madras, in the area of unconventional machining. Having fascination towards developing robots, he completed his PhD in the area of bipedal robotic locomotion from Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad. He proposed various approaches for generating for biped robots to cross obstacles. He has a great interest in developing robots that can assist humans and also work in cooperation with humans. His research interests include multibody dynamics, biped robot locomotion generation, design and development of legged robots, dynamic walking of biped robots, design, analysis and development of aerial manipulators for performing maintenance tasks in hi rise buildings. He has more than 5 years of experience in teaching both UG and PG students. In future he would like to extend his focus towards cooperative robotics using machine learning and artificial intelligence.
- Ph.D in Mechanical Engineering (Robotics), IIT Hyderabad, Kandi, India.
- M.S in Research in Mechanical Engineering (Unconventional Machining), IIT Madras, Chennai,India.
- B.Tech in Production Engineering, VR Siddartha Engg.,Vijayawada, India
2021- to till date
- Oct’2021- to till date: Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Mahindra University, Hyderabad, India.
- June’2019- Oct’2021: Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, SRM university AP, Amaravati, India.
- June’2018-June’2018: Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering,Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University, Gandhinagar, India
- Nov’2017-June’2018: Research Associate,Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Hyderabad.
- July’2011-April’ 2012:Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, GITAM University Hyderabad, Hyderabad.
- Feb’ 2011-April’ 2011:Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, AURORA Engineering College, Bhongir.
- Mar’ 2010-June’ 2010: Project Associate,Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian institute of Technology Madras.
Research & Publications
International Journals
- Janardhan and R. Prasanth Kumar. Generating Real-time Trajectories for A Planar Biped Robot Crossing A Wide Ditch With Landing Uncertainties. Robotica 37(1), (2019), 109-140. (Impact Factor: 1.509).
- Neel Gandhi ., Garlapati Nagababu and Vistapalli Janardhan, Modeling and Kinematic Analysis of a Robotic Manipulator for Street Cleaning Applications Using Screw Theory, Advances in Industrial Machines and Mechanisms, Springer-Lecture notes in mechanical engineering.
- Janardhan and R. Prasanth Kumar. Generating Feasible Solutions for Dynamically Crossing a Wide Ditch by a Biped Robot. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, (2017), 88(1), 37-56. (ImpactFactor: 2.259).
- Janardhan and R. Prasanth Kumar. Online Trajectory Generation for Wide Ditch Crossing of Biped Robots Using Control Constraints. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 97 (2017), 61-82. (Impact Factor: 2.825).
- Janardhan and G. L. Samuel, Investigations on Material Removal Rate in Wire Electrical Discharge Turning (WEDT) using Pulse Train Data Analysis, Journal of Mechatronics and Intelligent Manufacturing, (2011),2(1/2),17-39.
- Janardhan and G. L. Samuel, Pulse Train Data Analysis to Investigate the Effect of Machining Parameters on the Performance Of Wire Electrical Discharge Turning (WEDT) Process, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture,(2010), 50(9), 775-788. (Impact Factor: 8.019).
International Conferences
- Neel Gandhi ., Garlapati Nagababu and Vistapalli Janardhan, Modeling and Kinematic Analysis of a Robotic Manipulator for Street Cleaning Applications Using Screw Theory, International conference on Industrial Problems on Machines and Mechanisms (IPRoMM-2020), BITS-Pilani, Hyderabad campus.
- Aditya Sripada., V. Janardhan and R Prasanth Kumar, Biped Robot Vertical Jumping with Control Constraints, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics(ROBIO-2018), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Dec 2018, pp. 1683-1687.
- Janardhan and R. Prasanth Kumar. Kinematic Analysis of Biped Robot Forward Jump for Safe Locomotion. iNaCoMM2013, Proceedings of the 1st International and 16th National Conference on Machines and Mechanisms, IIT Roorkee, India, Dec 2013.
- G. Dhake., V. Janardhan and G. L. Samuel, Machining and Evaluation of Axi-symmetric Forms Turned Using Cylindrical Wire-EDM process, Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Advanced Design and Manufacturing,Nottingham, 7th -10th September 2010, Nottingham, UK. PP. 18-24.
- Janardhan and G. L. Samuel, Investigations into Turning of Cylindrical Components Using Wire Electrical Discharge Machine, International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering(ICAME- 2009), 3rd -5th August 2009, SV National Institute of Technology, Surat, pp. 835-839. (No of Citations: 3).
Robotics, Multibody dynamics, Cooperative robotics and Manufacturing Automation