
AI Strategy for Senior Leaders

According to Gartner, Inc., the imminent landscape of enterprise innovation hinges on Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI). By 2026, an anticipated 80% of enterprises will have embraced GenAI application programming interfaces (APIs) or models, marking an extraordinary shift from the meager5% adoption observed in 2023

This stark trajectory underscores the critical need for widespread GenAI adoption. For organizations aspiring to stay at the forefront of technological evolution, embracing GenAI isn’t merely an option—it’s an imperative for staying competitive, fostering innovation, and driving unprecedented advancements across diverse industries.

This program is designed to provide Senior Leaders with the insights, skills and tools to tackle business challenges using AI. It is ideal for visionary senior leaders shaping their organization’s AI adoption plan, and for those who are keen to craft AI strategy for their firms, with practical insights in a straightforward and engaging way.

To enable the real-world application of the strategies, the Program seamlessly integrates practicality into the curriculum. Real-world examples and case studies in the program provide participants with tangible Insights that they can immediately apply to their AI strategy endeavors. The Program is a practical journey into the realm of AI strategy crafting.

Who should attend

  • Designed for leaders making pivotal decisions, the program is tailored for senior executives, top management members, and business and functional heads.
  • If one is at the forefront of steering business transformation initiatives using AI, this is crafted for them.
  • Some of the past participants of similar training offered by Soothsayer Analytics include CEOs, CIOs, CTOs, COOs, CDOs, CSOs, VP – Business Transformation, Director Strategy and Innovation, Director of Technology.


Currently, the following certificate Programs are being offered, with more to be launched in the coming months. Our Programs span across multiple disciplines of management, engineering and law.

  • Building & Leading a Culture of Innovation
  • AI Strategy for Business and Technology Leaders
  • Building and Managing High-Performing Teams
  • Empowering Women in Leadership
  • AI Strategy for Senior Leaders
  • Business Storytelling for Leaders
  • Advanced Leadership Programme
  • Purpose Driven Leadership
  • Leading & Building a Culture of Innovation
  • Enhancing Personal & Professional Excellence
  • Negotiation Strategies for Collaboration and Conflict Management
  • Purpose and Profits
  • Leading Change and Transformation
  • Executive Leadership Presence
  • Leading a Happy and Productive Workplace
  • Leader as a Coach
  • Leading Teams for Hi Performance
  • Leading in a Complex World
  • Strategic Negotiation
  • Manager as a Coach
  • Agile Leadership
  • Leading with Emotional Intelligence
  • Leadership Competencies for Top Management
  • Mastering Negotiation and Influence