
Negotiation Strategies for Collaboration and Conflict Management

Friction among managers in Organizations, can cause significant loss of time & productivity, in managing conflicts. However, conflicts and differences, can also have a positive impact, by bringing in innovative solutions, and to do things differently. Resolving conflicts, through effective Negotiation Skills, will help in open confrontation of issues, and arriving at win-win outcomes. The negotiation process is a part of every manager’s day to day interactions with stakeholders inside and outside the organization, whose cooperation is essential to achieve organizational goals. This programme will focus on Negotiation as an integral part of the Managerial Decision-making Process.

This programme will help participants to think systematically and critically, about their negotiation experiences. It will enable them to establish a framework, to increase learning every time they are involved in a negotiation, and gain continuous improvement, to excel in this critical competence

Learning Objectives

  • Improving ability to negotiate in competitive as well as collaborative situations
  • Increasing level of awareness of the negotiation process
  • Understanding concepts & principles to enhance negotiation effectiveness, to seek and achieve win-win outcomes, and enhance collaboration
  • Improving ability to deal with conflict in the workplace
  • Learning how to manage emotions, of self and of the counterparts, during negotiations

Key Topics Covered in

the Programme

  • Competitive negotiations
  • Collaborative negotiations
  • Team negotiations
  • Intra-organizational negotiations for organizational and career success
  • Softer aspects of negotiations


Currently, the following certificate Programs are being offered, with more to be launched in the coming months. Our Programs span across multiple disciplines of management, engineering and law.

  • Building & Leading a Culture of Innovation
  • AI Strategy for Business and Technology Leaders
  • Building and Managing High-Performing Teams
  • Empowering Women in Leadership
  • AI Strategy for Senior Leaders
  • Business Storytelling for Leaders
  • Advanced Leadership Programme
  • Purpose Driven Leadership
  • Leading & Building a Culture of Innovation
  • Enhancing Personal & Professional Excellence
  • Negotiation Strategies for Collaboration and Conflict Management
  • Purpose and Profits
  • Leading Change and Transformation
  • Executive Leadership Presence
  • Leading a Happy and Productive Workplace
  • Leader as a Coach
  • Leading Teams for Hi Performance
  • Leading in a Complex World
  • Strategic Negotiation
  • Manager as a Coach
  • Agile Leadership
  • Leading with Emotional Intelligence
  • Leadership Competencies for Top Management
  • Mastering Negotiation and Influence