
Agile Leadership

Agile Leadership signifies the presence of many necessary capabilities of leaders, which also enables them to handle various challenging situations arising in the complex organizational/market scenario. The Programs focuses on exposing the participants to the key attributes of Agile Leadership such as understanding core mindsets, developing powerful thought patterns, conquering destructive-urges, Identifying and navigating Crucial Conversations, and unleashing one’s full potential.

The Programs would enable the participants to understand the difference between influencing people to merely get the work done (using Positional Power) versus their ability to inspire different stakeholders by their own Personal Power.

The Programs would be delivered through Virtual, Online webinars; comprising 6 Sessions of 90 minutes each.

what will you learn?


The webinars will be delivered through interactive brief lectures, movie-based discussions, and individual/group exercises.

  • Core Leadership (Internalizing vs. Externalizing).
  • Building Effective Collaboration.
  • Conquering Fear through Cheer.
  • Managing Self.
  • Managing Productivity.
  • Managing Customers.


Currently, the following certificate Programs are being offered, with more to be launched in the coming months. Our Programs span across multiple disciplines of management, engineering and law.

  • Building & Leading a Culture of Innovation
  • AI Strategy for Business and Technology Leaders
  • Building and Managing High-Performing Teams
  • Empowering Women in Leadership
  • AI Strategy for Senior Leaders
  • Business Storytelling for Leaders
  • Advanced Leadership Programme
  • Purpose Driven Leadership
  • Leading & Building a Culture of Innovation
  • Enhancing Personal & Professional Excellence
  • Negotiation Strategies for Collaboration and Conflict Management
  • Purpose and Profits
  • Leading Change and Transformation
  • Executive Leadership Presence
  • Leading a Happy and Productive Workplace
  • Leader as a Coach
  • Leading Teams for Hi Performance
  • Leading in a Complex World
  • Strategic Negotiation
  • Manager as a Coach
  • Agile Leadership
  • Leading with Emotional Intelligence
  • Leadership Competencies for Top Management
  • Mastering Negotiation and Influence