
Mastering Negotiation and Influence

Negotiation is a fundamental skill that directly affects the results we get at work and in life. Negotiation Skills are needed in Sales, Procurement, Human Resources, Project Management, Change Management, Customer Support, Diplomacy, Leadership and in many other functions.

Most people pickup few tips and tricks on negotiation through trial & error and by mimicking others. As a result, their actions tend to become predictable, and a predictable negotiator is very easy to manipulate.

This course will contrast two distinct approaches to negotiation. You will learn the mechanics of the traditional power based approach that most people use, and which most negotiation training courses promote. You will also learn a more effective approach that is used by highly skilled professional negotiators. For most participants, this course will be an eye-opening experience that has the potential to change how you approach every future interaction and relationship.

The course is highly interactive and is delivered via four live Zoom sessions. Participants will engage in four simulations. Participants are required to complete some preparation before each session.

what will you learn?


  • Awareness of how most people misunderstand negotiation and influence.
  • Clarity and working knowledge of the two main strategies to negotiation.
  • Practical experience from negotiating multiple scenarios with different challenges.

  • Confidence from learning, how to recognize and overcome common negotiation traps, tactics & manipulative behaviours.

  • Understanding practical approaches designed to work in the real world.

  • Realising that effective negotiation does not rely on unethical behaviours, typically associated with negotiation.

Enrolment Program

Topics Covered

Who Should Attend ?

The Programs is intended for mid-senior executives of different functions or business units, in large & medium size organizations, across different industries.

Who Should Attend ?


Currently, the following certificate Programs are being offered, with more to be launched in the coming months. Our Programs span across multiple disciplines of management, engineering and law.

  • Building & Leading a Culture of Innovation
  • AI Strategy for Business and Technology Leaders
  • Building and Managing High-Performing Teams
  • Empowering Women in Leadership
  • AI Strategy for Senior Leaders
  • Business Storytelling for Leaders
  • Advanced Leadership Programme
  • Purpose Driven Leadership
  • Leading & Building a Culture of Innovation
  • Enhancing Personal & Professional Excellence
  • Negotiation Strategies for Collaboration and Conflict Management
  • Purpose and Profits
  • Leading Change and Transformation
  • Executive Leadership Presence
  • Leading a Happy and Productive Workplace
  • Leader as a Coach
  • Leading Teams for Hi Performance
  • Leading in a Complex World
  • Strategic Negotiation
  • Manager as a Coach
  • Agile Leadership
  • Leading with Emotional Intelligence
  • Leadership Competencies for Top Management
  • Mastering Negotiation and Influence